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Bible Timeline and Curriculum

Framing the stories of the Bible through a chronological Biblical Timeline


Frameworking the Bible was conceived and developed with the purpose of teaching the Bible in a chronological order.  A chronological study teaches that the Bible is a continuing unfolding of God’s redemptive plan for mankind through Jesus Christ. Frameworking the Bible uses a systematic teaching approach in which students are trained to understand and retain the Bible conceptually from Genesis to Revelation.


Frameworking the Bible offers a curriculum that is a purposeful departure from current Bible teaching resources often available that utilizes excessive graphics, videos, and alternative teaching styles.  Frameworking the Bible is designed and presented in a clear and concise manner that is simple for both teachers and children.


Frameworking the Bible uses teaching tools and techniques that reinforce the chronological understanding of the Bible.  There are many components used in the Frameworking teaching process that include: lesson plans, teaching templates, review activities, games, and a Bible timeline. 


Just as a frame is used to focus on the items inside the frame; it is our desire through Frameworking the Bible to focus on the chronological events and stories in the Bible, with the intention of preserving the truths found in God’s Word.


With God’s blessing and guidance, Frameworking the Bible can be an effective tool in helping guide students in their journey through the Bible.


Frameworking the Bible is designed to empower teachers in teaching students the fundamental truths of God’s Word by building a FRAMEWORK around the people, places, and events of the Bible which helps to understand that the Bible is a story of God’s love and plan for His people to know Jesus Christ.


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